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Personnes font des études de données

We take your Data in charge

You don't have in-house analytics capabilities, the right infrastructure, or enough skilled employees. Admiral takes care of you, we provide you with a team of experts who access your data and your infrastructure and carry out the analysis remotely.

By outsourcing to an experienced provider, you will receive guidance on the type of analysis that suits your specific objectives. You can also experiment with data science initiatives without engaging significantly.

Data cleaning

We take care of this long and tedious process with 100% focus and efficiency to achieve the results you crave. This is the phase that can become tricky and risky if not handled by experts.

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Data quality audit

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We carry out comprehensive data quality control which can guarantee the effectiveness of the results. Admiral helps you find the right data to identify process optimization opportunities that hide beneath piles of unusable data

Analysis of missing observations

Our data analyst can identify missing variables in your organizational data and provide you with the impact they may have on your overall growth and performance, helping you fix them to get the best out of data analysis.

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Analysis of extreme observations

We take care of edge data points because they are crucial to the performance of the organization and should not be ignored

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Homogeneity analysis

Admiral provides comprehensive data point analysis to help you find common patterns and threads that can help you determine where best to move your assets and how to make key business decisions

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